10 August 2010

The Barefoot Runners Society Contacted Me

The Barefoot Runners Society contacted me and this is what they said:

Hello Caleb,
I am TJ, President of the Barefoot Runners Society. I was checking out your site, reading about your recent barefoot race, and I'm wishing to know more. How long have you been running barefoot and blogging about it? Will you be writing a race report on you recent barefoot race? If so, perhaps you could share it with our members? If you are interested, please send the report to me along with a couple of photos, and I will post them on our News Show on our home page. I saw where you posted you may hold barefoot races in the future, for a good cause once again. If so, please keep us in mind. We would like to help you promote them on our site. It would have been good to know about your race ahead of time, since we could have helped you to promote it, but we're a new barefoot running club and just getting started, so you may not have heard of us yet. We began November 2009. We have around 600 members and 1,260 fans. Barefoot Ken Bob is our Senior Advisor to the Board, Barefoot Rick Roeber is our Director of PR, and recently Dr. Irene Davis, and Barefoot Ted McDonald joined us. We also have on staff one of the few barefoot-friendly podiatrists in the country where he has a forum on the BRS site called Ask the Doc. We are in beta testing, but hope to go public soon. I would like to extend an offer to you to join our site early, so you can check out the many resources we have to offer barefoot and minimalist runners.
Please let me know if you're interested.

Tamara Gerken

Barefoot TJ

President, CEO"

Here's my response I sent to them:

This is my experience with barefoot running, (and then I copied and pasted my post on My Barefoot Story)

Here is the race report:

Kiwanis Park is a large park and the perimeter of it is a tiny bit over one complete mile. I live very close to the park and run it often so I knew when the thought came to do a barefoot race that I would hold it there.

I love barefoot running, but the purpose of the race was to attract attention doing something a little unorthodox like a barefoot race. I wanted to do something cool and something I enjoyed in order to help others so that's what we did. I also knew that a race at the park would mean zero car traffic, less liability and less potential accidents.

There were about 20 of us and we were all barefoot. Since I knew the course and I had done a poor job marking it I decided to be a rabbit for the first mile and then re-assume my race director's duties which turned out great because I can whip out a good mile, which I did and then I was at the mile mark calling out splits and cheering on runners. For me info refer to my Reflections On The Barefoot Race post (which I attached for the Barefoot Runners Society.)

I will definitely keep you updated and thank you for the email. Run fearless.


Caleb Scoville

1 comment:

  1. Caleb,

    Your story has been added to the BRS's News Show on the home page. Please check it out here: http://www.barefootrunners.org/build2/... and if you or your viewers would like an invitation to join, please send an email to BarefootTJ at BarefootRunners dot org. Thanks for participating, Caleb! We appreciate you!

