I thought it would be appropriate to add a page about my beliefs. Really these are things I know to be true. They are the things that really help me to run, live and be fearless.
I was born in Bellevue, Washington. Both my parents were members (and still are) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or as many people are familiar with, the Mormons. I am the oldest of 6 kids and after I was born we moved down south to Vancouver, Washington where I grew up. You could say I was born into the church. My home was a refuge from the world. A place I could be safe, happy and feel loved and accepted. I know that it is because of the church that this was the case.
Growing up I relied on the testimony of my parents. I went through the motions and that was fine. I went to church every Sunday and I did what was asked of me. When I entered junior high is when I started to question things. I think it is completely healthy to do so and I did. The majority of my questioning was internal. There were certain principles the church teaches and I wasn't sure if I agreed so I began to search.
The reason we are called Mormons is because of a book called The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It was written by prophets who lived in the Americas and it is a companion to the Bible. Both books testify and teach of Jesus Christ adding more power and validity to the fact that Jesus Christ really did come to this earth. He really did suffer for our sins, die for us on the cross and He was resurrected three days later and because of that He offers us the opportunity to come unto Him so that one day we may be able to return and live with God again.
Alright, so I got a little sidetracked. I began to search The Book of Mormon. I was taught what I will teach you now--The Book of Mormon was written by ancient prophets. Because of wicked people the book was hidden in the earth. In 1820 there was a young man by the name of Joseph Smith who was called of God to be a prophet. He was commanded to translate The Book of Mormon and to restore The Church of Jesus Christ that was lost after the death of the apostles of Jesus Christ. Now, if the Book of Mormon is true then Joseph Smith really was a prophet, he was called of God and he really was commanded of God to restore the church of Christ. If it's not true then none of this is true at all.
Some people get caught up picking out doctrines or principles they find strange, contradictory or wrong, but it all goes back to The Book of Mormon. If the Book of Mormon is true then everything is true. So when I was in junior high and high school I read it. I studied its pages. I prayed and asked God if it was true. It wasn't long before I started to feel it. God, through His Holy Spirit, testified to me that The Book of Mormon was true and to this day I cannot deny its truthfulness. It is true, it has come directly from God and it is a demonstration that God still speaks to men on earth in our day and reveals His will for us though them.
I testify to you and the whole world that these things are true. I do so boldly and with a sure conviction that these things are true. In November 2004 to August 2008 I lived in Argentina. I spent months in the cities of Rosario, San Nicolás, Paraná, Concordia, Santa Fe and Arrecifes. I learned how to communicate fluently and effectively in Castellano (or Spanish if you prefer:) and what I did 24/7 for about 665 days was preach the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I continue to do so and this blog is a medium for doing so.
My cry to you is the same as the last prophet's cry in The Book of Mormon named Moroni as he said, "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God." (for full text of this click here)
This is what helps me run fearless and I hope for those of you searching for the truth it can help you too.