01 August 2011

At the In-laws and Maple Mountain

Okay, I'm not going to lie and I am going to be honest.  I had a little breakdown Sunday morning before church.  It was probably a combination of things: lack of sleep, added stress--you know, the usual stressors.  By Saturday night we had moved 95% of our stuff to Idaho and come back all on the same day, went for a run, and then I didn't go to bed as early as I should have.  Anyways, Sunday morning I started to have a breakdown.  Negativity started to creep in.  We were at my in-laws' place in Mapleton and I started to think of all the bad things that could happen and how it was going to ruin my life and my running dreams and on and on. 

I was a wreck and grumpy.  So I took some time right before church to write down the things that were really stressing me out.  Then I went to church.  Funny how answers to some of my most difficult dilemmas come at church.  I think I'll keep going.  Anyways, I figured out how I could run the same amount and a little more, cut out some unnecessary things to make up for the time I was going to lose in a longer transit to work and by Sunday night I was feeling a lot better. 

This morning I had an incredible run.  It was very peaceful and focused.  The weather was great.  Rolling black clouds in the distance and sun breaking over the mountains.  I ran to Maple Mountain High School where they not only have a beautiful new track, but to the side of that they have several soccer fields and football fields where I ditched my shoes and soaked up the goodness of planet earth while doing some plyometrics.  I think everything will work out great.  I'm tired right now, but I feel great about life.

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