Okay, I know there's a movie called 17 Miracles, but I'm not trying to copy that at all. Ever since I have made the decision to go to Idaho, or rather I should say ever since my wife and I have made the decision to move to Idaho and pursue my life-long running dream there have been some miracles that have happened. I truly and 100% ascribe it to this decision being right. Does that mean all of my wildest dreams will come true? Who knows, but I do think it means that it's a right decision and I dare anyone to argue with that especially after you read this post and the post to follow. I'm only going to list 2 miracles in this post in the interest of time, but stay tuned for more in the near future...
Miracle #1: Our apartment is great. It really is. We moved there primarily for the reason that it was/is newer than most apartments out there. You see, last year I had a mold allergy because of the apartment we were living in and it messed me up; wiped me out big time. So we found this place for a good price, but it's low-income housing, so you can live there if you make less than $40,000 a year etc. So they gave us our first month's rent free upon signing a year contract because we weren't going anywhere for one year plus. Well it turns out that if you move then you obviously break that one-year contract. If you break the contract then you pay the free month's rent you got AND you pay the remaining months if your apartment doesn't get filled.
This is the scary part: They fill the apartments based on the ones that have been vacant the longest and when we moved in there were like four open apartments--not a super good sign. So we were prepared for the worst and seeing as how our financial situation isn't spectacular in the first place we were worried. So Amy goes into the office, this is like a couple weeks ago, and let's the manager know we're leaving at the end of this month. She looks at Amy with a smile, motions to her desk drawer and says, "Good. I just got a deposit from a family a couple days ago and they want to move-in in August." WHOA! That was a miracle for sure, the fact that there was someone lined up and ready to move in practically after we move out. Granted, we'll still have to pay that free month's rent, but as far as everything else goes we are good.
Miracle #2: This one isn't as big as the first, but I see it as a tiny miracle or a tender mercy if you will. We currently pay around $90.00 for car insurance (American Family, who I'm not a hug fan of) and it looks like we'll be able to tag on to my parents' plan and save $30. The reason why this is a miracle to me is that money is looking tight. Yes, we'll be living with my family and saving money on housing and food, but there's still expenses like health insurance, life insurance, car insurance, cell phone, races, travel to races, gas for the car and the list goes on. So any area where we can save is awesome. $30 isn't a ton, but every little bit helps and I consider that a miracle.
That's all I have time for today. Hope you enjoyed it.
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