25 May 2010

Viruses, Parasites, Homeopathy and Healing

May 2009 I got sick and I was out. I went home, to Washington, with my wife in July of the same year and I was sick again. December of the same year, right before Christmas, I got sick again. January of this year I got sick again. September 2009 through January 2010 I was so tired. If I got less than 8 hours of sleep then I couldn't function. Even if I did get 8 hours of sleep I would still fall asleep during classes and other activities where I was sitting down for long periods of time. The worst were situations where lights dimmed--that's when I felt like I got knocked out. I started feeling pain in my foot, went in for an x-ray and found out I had a stress fracture--first one ever. 2 months later it still wasn't healed, but I was frustrated. I had gone in to see the doctor several times. They did blood work, urine tests and an EKG to try to figure things out. My platelet count was low each time so they told me in the end that I had a mono-like virus and had gotten heat exhaustion. They said there was nothing I could do except wait it out and come back in to see them in a couple months. I don't know about you, but that's a little frustrating to hear.

My in-laws and wife are very naturally minded and they reccommended that I go to a homeopathic/naturpathic clinic and get a Meridian Stress Assessment test done. To make a long explanation short, I held on to a copper handle and the doctor touched me on the right foot and hand with a dull, copper-like probe all connnected to the computer which showed the parts of my body that was out of wack. The conclusion was that I had lyme and parasites with allergies to corn and mold. I was prescribed some supplements and a rigorous diet (no wheat, corn or dairy). I followed those instructions for 3 weeks and even before I went in for a check-up I knew things were getting better. I could feel it.

I began to feel more energy, and it wasn’t a high-drug-like energy, but I could feel a wholesome, healthy energy. I was able to pay attention better in my classes, I didn’t fall asleep (and haven’t) in my classes. I started experimenting and doing more things that I hadn't been doing very well like homework and reading. I was getting a little less sleep (6-7 hours/night) and I was still feeling great. Then my wife had a baby in early February and even though that was a shock to quite a few systems in my body, I was not only feeling good but I was really happy on top of that (and still am). I think the way I think about it is this: I went from feeling like I didn’t have control over what my body did to feeling in complete control and happy.

Now, I’m not saying you need to invest or believe in homeopathic or naturopathic medicine. I don’t know all the details to my recovery (and continuing recovery). I know that God was a key player too, BUT what I do know is that main-stream medicine was not helping, so I looked outside the box. I took a risk, and looking back it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Run fearless.

1 comment:

  1. I just read this to gian and he said "This guy is just so cool!" I loaned Born To Run to another friend this week and thought of you.
