18 May 2010

Shorter to Prefontaine

I heard this story in high school about Frank Shorter and Steve Prefontaine. I tried my best to Google it, but I could not find it. It may not exist, so you may want to stop reading now before I fill your head with a possibly true or possibly false story...

Frank Shorter and Steve Prefontaine were running one time and a snowstorm started. Pre complained to Shorter about the snow etc. and Shorter responded something to the effect of, "You know that no one is training harder than us." In a nasty situation Shorter found the benefit of the training.

This morning I went running at the park. It was a good temperature with a slight sprinkle and so I removed a long-sleeve shirt, my gloves and beanie and continued running. A couple minutes later it started. It began to rain harder. I could hear it hit the trees. I could feel it soaking into every fiber of my clothes. I was sopping wet and I thought, "Maybe I should cut my run short..." And then I thought about it making me stronger and about Shorter and Pre. I continued. I felt a surge of energy as I made a resolution inside of myself to continue and that was wonderful.

A common cliché is, "What doesn't kill you can make you stronger." Which can be true depending on the circumstance. It can also leave you paralyzed or brain-dead. I need to make sure I'm not making unnecessary risks, but at the same time push myself so I can become stronger and faster. That's one of the ways how I run fearless.


  1. What a great blog! The story you refer to (about Pre and Frank Shorter) can be found in Tom Jordan's book, "Pre The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend. And also in my (children's) book about Pre, "Steve Prefontaine Rocketman.

    Thanks for the positive energy!

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztVrRBsjApw&hd=1

    At the very end of the video
