27 May 2010

Be Clear Why You're Here

Principle #2 of Jack Canfield's Success Principles is "Be Clear Why You're Here". I'm going to use this post to sum up in my own words what this means, how I have applied it and how you can do it too.

What were you put on this earth to do? Purpose statements. What's the "why" behind everything you do? Your inner guidance system. The first sentences of this paragraph gather the main points of the chapter. Everybody is good at something. Maybe you're good at lot of things and maybe just a few. No matter what your situation you are good at something. You have been given that gift, that talent, that ability to change the world. Some people do it through medicine, research, sports, insurance, law, teaching etc. The trick is to find out what you're good at, what you love to do and capitalize on those things. We can then create a purpose system. When we figure out our purpose and then go forward doing things to accomplish that purpose then we can be successful, happy and fulfilled. If our purpose is what is driving us then it's possible to stay on track and not be swayed. As we do things in concordance with our purpose we are more effective too.

I took some time and figured out what I love to do and what I'm good at. I decided what I want to do during this life and what I'm supposed to be doing. I then created a purpose statement that has fueled me ever since, and here it is:

My purpose

Prepare this earth for the second coming of Jesus Christ by using my unique talents and abilities to inspire, motivate and teach everyone I possibly can through my own life's example and formal teaching so that others achieve their potential and have an opportunity to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him.

Now it's your turn. In my post Brandon Sanderson and what I learned I talked about three questions we can ask ourselves when determining what we want or will do with our lives Truman Madsen quoted another man named John A. Widstoe saying, “When choosing a career ask yourself, 1. What am I good at? 2. What do I love to do? And 3. What does the world need?” Answer those, then identify what your talents and gifts are, then how you enjoy expressing those gifts/qualities with others, then figure out what you want to do to help the world. You may need to brainstorm, cut, paste, insert whatever but you'll get there and if you need help I can help you. Let me know in the comment box below (ps that is not a trick to get you to comment:) I really do want to help you and I will.

This is a principle that is truly helping me and allowing me to run, live and be fearless. Have a great day and run fearless!

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