27 September 2011

"Amy, oh my gosh! I got an email back from Dr. Jack Daniels."

About a week ago I sent Dr. Jack Daniels (read my posts about what I'm doing with him: Post #1, Post #2, and Post #3), one of the world's leading exercise physiologists specializing in running, an email.  Most of you know that I coach myself.  I have been since the Summer of 2003 until the present.  For most of my life I haven't known how to properly train and as a result have over-trained and injured myself repeatedly.  Anyways, this will be short, but he emailed me back telling me he is a very busy man, but suggested some things and told me to get back to him in a few months when I had done what he suggested.

Most of you know I don't really have the money to afford a coach of any kind, so I'm using Jack's book, Daniels' Running Formula, to help me train.  I got a little scared a week and a half ago because I wasn't sure I was doing things right, so I had this idea to ask Jack.  I figured the worst thing that could happen is he could say no.  Well he didn't and I have a simple but awesome email from him.  Ask and ye shall receive--it's true.

1 comment:

  1. so what did he say!?! That's awesome! Tell us, tell us!!
