13 September 2011

Prove Them Right, or Prove Them Wrong

As I'm writing this I'm listening to Paradise by Coldplay.  Love it.  I love music, and I love new music.  I hope I continue to love new music.  Alright, today was awesome.  I woke up this morning and did not want to get up.  The little guy had trouble falling asleep for whatever reason so we took desperate measures and went for a car ride.  He fell asleep and I had some good one-on-one time with my sweetheart.

Anyways, so that made this morning tough, but it was good.  I'm waking up at 6 so I can get a little snack in before I run at 7.  I read scriptures, like the Bible and Book of Mormon for about 30 minutes.  Great way to start my day.  I actually ran faster than I should have when I did my morning run.  I wasn't paying attention to my watch; just running comfortably.  It felt good.  I had to wear long sleeves and light gloves.  It's getting cold.

I feel very confident that if a combination of books has the answers to help me achieve my dreams then it's Daniels' Running Formula, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and The Success Principles.  I feel really good about them.  I go into more detail on my post about choosing them.  Today I focused on The Success Principles.  There are 64 principles.  I move on to the next one when I feel I have adequately accomplished the previous principle.  I have done a lot of them already because of last summer, but I'm going through them again so I can say, "Alright Jack Canfield.  I have done everything you said and here I am."  I will either prove him right or wrong.  I expect to prove him right.  We will see; time will tell.  It always does.

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